The Neighborhoods Partnership Network’s foundation lies in the spirit of interdependency revealed in the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina disaster. It revealed significant weakness in many structures Americans took for granted – physical structures such levees and hospitals, but also governing and social structures from FEMA to state and local entities. Citizens had to become their own “first responders,” from rescuing their neighbors to rescuing their neighborhoods. NPN was born from both the failures revealed and opportunities provided by the catastrophe.
NPN’s leadership recognized the need for a citywide framework to assist communities in maximizing the use of limited resources and information while providing connections to those with similar obstacles, eliminating duplication of efforts and working toward shared goals. The organization’s core infrastructure met the need for New Orleanians to be involved in the formal decision-making processes regarding addressing quality of life issues. That need continues to exist today and NPN continues to play a significant role in building the capacity of residents to stay involved and engaged.
Timolynn Sams Sumter, Executive Director
Timolynn Sams Sumter is a New Orleans native and a graduate of the Southern University at New Orleans. Fourteen years of work with nonprofits – including five years of advocacy work focusing on the minority community – led to Timolynn’s appointment as Executive Director of Neighborhoods Partnership Network (NPN) in July 2007.
The Neighborhoods Partnership Network Board of Directors is composed of residents from across the city who are involved and engaged in the revitalization of their individual neighborhoods while also addressing citywide issues.
Wendy Laker, Mid-City Neighborhood Organization
Wendy Laker is a resident of the Mid-City neighborhood. She is the chairwoman of the Mid-City Neighborhood Organization Board, as well as a member of the judicial system where she serves in the capacity of a court reporter.
Sylvia Scineaux-Richard, ENONAC
Sylvia Scineaux-Richard has been president of Eastern New Orleans Neighborhood Advisory Commission (ENONAC) since 2008. In May 2009, Scineaux-Richard retired from the Southern University at New Orleans after 30 years as an assistant professor in medical technology. Scineaux-Richard has also worked as a real estate associate broker for 30 years.